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Estilo Confeti

Estilo Confeti, los mejores precios de mayoreo, gran variedad, y excelente calidad.

Estilo Confeti: Los mejores precios de mayoreo y una gran variedad de diseños al estilo 'Confeti' de Jarras de Vidrio Soplado, Vasos, Caballitos para Tequila, Copas para Margarita, y mucho más.

Mexican glassware, ... it all starts with intense heat.

Glass melts at between 2600 to 2900 degrees (F.) or 1425 to 1600 degrees (C.) depending upon the composition of the glass. Glass was discovered by potters about 3000 B.C.E., and the technique of glass blowing was invented about 100 B.C.E. Glass blowing was introduced to Mexico in 1535, shortly after the Conquest, and has been a staple of Mexican craftsmanship ever since.