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Smoke Gray 9 oz Short Tumblers (set of 6)

Smoke Gray 9 oz Short Tumblers (set of 6)

Enhance your table setting with our beautiful Smoke Gray colored glasses, from the Humo collection.
  • FESTIVE & FUN - Our Solid-Colored drinking glasses are truly eye-catching! Individually blown from bright colored glass, they can be festive like our Rainbow set, or elegant like our Smoke Gray set. They are perfect for parties or formal occasions, or serve as a fabulous gift for your loved ones. Our wide array of colored glasses will match any table setting. Enjoy our latest colors: Amethyst, Smoke Gray, Olive Green or the Classic Colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Aqua, Blue, Amber & Rainbow!
  • ELABORADO POR HÁBILES ARTESANOS - Estas obras de arte fueron hechas a mano una por una por expertos artesanos de soplado de vidrio en la ciudad de Tonalá, México, donde las familias han perfeccionado su oficio durante siglos. Como tal, cada vaso es único con ligeras variaciones del resto. ¡No hay dos exactamente iguales!
  • PERFECT SIZE - They have a comfort drinking size of 9 oz. With a 3.1" diameter and 3.5" in height, these glasses will feel just right in your hands.
  • BUENO PARA TI Y NUESTRO PLANETA - Todos nuestros productos son 100% libres de plomo y toxinas, fabricados a partir de botellas de refresco recicladas. Vienen empaquetados con cartón reciclado y cacahuetes de embalaje solubles en agua.
  • GARANTÍA DE 1 AÑO: reemplazo sin problemas por cualquier defecto o rotura durante el tránsito por hasta 1 año. ¡Solo póngase en contacto con MexHandcraftDOTcom y lo haremos bien! Todos nuestros vasos son aptos para lavavajillas, pero recomendamos ponerlos en la rejilla superior y permitir un período de enfriamiento antes de usarlos. No lo ponga en el microondas ni lo use para servir bebidas calientes.
Precio Mayoreo: US$9.67     New Product 


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The History of Recycled Hand Blown Mexican Glass

Mexico is the land of the master craftsman, the very first glass made in North America was produced in Puebla Mexico around 1535 to 1542 by artisans brought by the Spanish from Europe.
For hundreds of years, with nothing more than a blob of molten glass, a long hollow pipe, and some old tools, these artisans have produced glass items in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Although these original glass works were short lived, glass blowing was reintroduced into Mexico hundreds of years ago and flourished, due largely to the simplicity of the ingredients and the ingenuity of the Mexican Arts and Crafts Tradition.